Shipping Policy

1. Shipping conditions
🔹 The products available on our website are in the USA, others are found and shipped directly from partner factories and suppliers located in Europe and Asia, which is why Truomshop does not have shipping fees or extra charges for the customer.
🔹 All products available in Our Store are shipped via air carrier and upon arrival in the USA they are delivered by the Post Office.

🔹 Order Change
Once the order has been shipped, it will not be possible to change the ordered products, address or payment method.
🔹 Status In Separation
After confirming payment, the order has the status “In Separation”, this process consists of separating the product from the factory’s stock, care for shipping, contracting and printing the shipping label for the Post Office and dispatching the product to the recipient’s address .
2. Tracking Conditions
🔹 In the case of an International Order, the availability of the tracking code can take up to 2 business days.
After this period, the tracking code will be available for tracking through your account on our website or our support via email upon confirmation of information.
🔹 Note that in the first few days it will not be possible to track through the Post Office website, so we offer a service
special for order tracking, with it it is possible to follow every detail in the procedure carried out (date, time
and location)
🔹 With each order status update, our system automatically sends alert emails.

Therefore, it is important to keep your email address up to date.

3. Delivery
Capitals and Metropolitan Regions:
7-15 working days
Interior and Locations:
10-18 working days

Payment by credit card, the deadline for delivery is considered from the confirmation of payment by
card administrator, which can occur in up to 2 (two) calendar days.

4. Delivery Failures
If there are 3 (three) unsuccessful delivery attempts, the order may be returned to the sender without notice.
In case of delivery failure due to absent addressee, a new attempt will be made on the next working day.
In case of delivery failure due to incorrect address or unknown recipient, the order will be returned to
sender or wait for pickup.
Depending on the region, the order may be waiting to be picked up at the nearest Post Office. That
happens because some of the above failures occur, however the order is not returned immediately. If the customer does not
withdraw, the parcel will return.

5. Separate Shipments
🔹 Orders with more than one different product or more than 3 units of the same product can be shipped in
separate boxes without notice.
🔹 This occurs to avoid overweight (2 kg per box) or when products are from different factories. In this case, a tracking code will be sent for each package sent.
Important Notices
🔹 When purchasing a product in our store, the customer must be aware that it is not possible to speed up the delivery or cancel the
shipment after the tracking code arrives, it is also not possible to inform an exact date for delivery.
🔹 Due to the impossibility of predicting an exact date for the delivery of orders, Truomshop, under no circumstances will be responsible for the delivery of products before the date of specific events for the customer (Wedding, Birthday,
Formation, etc.)